Grants Committee
The Grants Committee evaluates applications for ChLA Faculty Research Grants and the Hannah Beiter Graduate Student Research Grants. Grants are awarded according to the committee's judgments of competitive applications. Members receiving funding are acknowledged during and invited to participate in the awards banquet at the Association's annual conference.
Composition of the Committee:
The Grants Committee consists of four elected members with staggered terms of three years each and a chair appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board for a term of three years, renewable.
Committee Members:
Chair: Jackie Horne, 2023-2026 Danielle Price, University of Windsor, 2022-2025 Bridgid Shannon, Florida State University Center for Leadership & Service, 2022-2025 Megan Isaac, Elon University, 2023-2026 Mahshid Tavallai, Queen's University, 2023-2026
ChLA Board Liaison:
Pete Kunze, Tulane University