ChLA-Sponsored Sessions at the 2020 MLA Annual Convention

See your colleagues present their research at the ChLA-Sponsored Forums at the 2021 MLA Annual Convention, which will be virtual.

Saturday, January 9, 12 - 1:15 p.m.
Questioning the Canon: Rethinking the Golden Age of Children’s Literature

Presider: Jill Coste, University of Florida

“Golden Age Orientalism: Japan through the Looking Glass”
Erica Kanesaka Kalnay, U of Wisconsin, Madison

“Voice of the Translator: Polish Translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh”
Aleksandra Wieczorkiewicz, Adam Mickiewicz U of Poznań

“‘To Educate Is to “Educare”’: Frances Harper’s Educational Poetics and Reception”
Tabitha Lowery, Coastal Carolina University


Saturday, January 9, 5:15 - 6:30 p.m.
The Other in Narratives of Rival Nations

Co-Sponsored with the Modern Greek Association

Presider: Lissi Athanasiou-Krikelis, New York Inst. of Tech., New York

“Mediating the Ethnic Other: Migrant Protagonists and Their Italian Authors in Italy's Young Adult Novel”
Maria Rosa Truglio, Penn State U, University Park 

“The Clash of Standardized Representations and Real-World Identities”
Jennifer Harrison, East Stroudsburg U, and Laura Kieselbach, East Stroudsburg U

“Twice Othered: Ecological Imperialism and Settler Colonialism in The Rabbits”
Kay Sohini Kumar, Stony Brook U, State U of New York

“Greek Young Adult Fiction and the Turk Other”
Lissi Athanasiou-Krikelis, New York Inst. of Tech., New York

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