Moderator Guidelines

Moderators are responsible for following the presenter guidelines and for ensuring that all presenters do the same. In addition, moderators are asked to facilitate access by implementing the practices below:

  • Before the session, ask panelists if they have any accessibility needs, and check in with panelists about their plans for providing access copies.
  • At the beginning of the session, as a part of your introduction, please read the access statement below: “A quick reminder to follow the conference accessibility guidelines. For presenters, this includes facing the audience, speaking clearly into the mic, and verbally describing all images. Presenters will also be sharing access copies. Please remember that these copies are not available for citation or distribution unless you have received the prior permission of the presenter.”
  • During the presentations, do your best to address any access barriers and needs as they arise. Please reach out to the Accessibility Liaisons if you need any help.
  • During the Q & A, you should repeat each question from the audience into the microphone to ensure that everyone can hear it.